Fantasy Diary Series, Girl Talk Saturday

Girl Talk w/ Alyssa and Devin. #ChristmasFantasy #Paranormal #Fears


Girl Talk Saturday is back for the month of October and the topic is: What Do Your Characters Fear?

This Saturday, my characters, Alyssa and Devin from Christmas Fantasy will be sharing some of their fears with us.


alyssa in jeans

1. Having to one day move back in with my parents because I couldn’t handle living on my own. (I hope that never happens.)
2. Not having my Christmas fantasy fulfilled again this year.
3. Falling in love and not falling in love. The idea of both frightens me.
4. Losing my job. I need the money plus my boss is a hottie. Did I mention he’s the star of all my fantasies?
5. Losing a loved one. That is a crippling fear I have. My sisters, my best friend, my parents and now… Devin, mean the world to me. If I were to lose any of them, I don’t know what I would do.



1. Losing my grandmother. Mortals die. That’s nothing new. But I have the power to prevent that, and she won’t let me. Stubborn woman.
2. Not finding more of my kind. I know there are more beings like me out there. I just don’t know where they are.
3. Finding more of my kind. I’m learning more about this supernatural world I’m a part of. And the more I learn, the more I realize… I’m in deep shit.
4. Not being able to protect Alyssa from danger. Beings are after me and they know harming her is the one way to harm me. I can’t allow that.
5. Spending eternity alone. Alyssa is mine and nothing will change that. But I can’t force this lifestyle on her. She has to make a choice and she has to make it soon.

~There you have it. We all have things we fear. But we should never let our fear control us. Happy October.~

More info on Christmas Fantasy:
About the book:


One bite was all it took.

It’s that time of year again. Alyssa Blakely is busy writing in her fantasy diary, filling it with all her forbidden, sexual fantasies. The star: her very sexy boss, Devin Jordan. Too bad for her, he’s never given her a second glance.

Or so she thought…

After a steamy kiss under the mistletoe and a night of wild sex, Alyssa has the bite to prove just how wrong she was.

Devin Jordan has found his mate. The only problem: she’s human. He’s not. Can he prove to her that his inner beast can be both naughty and nice? Or will her fear of the unknown and a threat neither of them saw coming keep him from claiming her?

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